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Financial Fraud and Power of Attorney

Join us on May 19th from 1:30 to 3:00 PM via Zoom for a conference on Financial Fraud and Power of Attorney, animated by Michel Gariépy from l’Autorité des marchés financiers and Lawyer, Margherita Morsella.

Here are certain elements which will be discussed during this conference: 

  • The role of the AMF in financial fraud situations

  • The types of financial fraud;

  • The clues in recognizing financial fraud;

  • What do we need to do to protect ourselves?

  • The difference between fraud and financial abuse;

  • What is a banking power of attorney? What is its use? What is the commitment in signing such a document?

  • What are the differences between general, special and banking power of attorney?

  • Revoking a power of attorney: how and why?

To register, please contact Karine Brochu at by Thursday, May 13th, at the latest.